Citation Project Research Studies
Broadly defined, Citation Project research aims to increase our understanding of source use, information literacy, and citation practices across a range of contexts. Most of the research involves collecting and coding papers and sources, and that coding frequently includes Citation Context analysis. Most of the studies replicate or adapt the methods of at least one existing study or compares new findings with those from single institutions and small samples that precede the Citation Project. Several projects are in development, but those below are completed or in process.
New research underway in 2018!
Students and Their Sources
Data: Speak aloud protocols, researched writing, survey, and interviews with undergraduate students at a single institution. Collected, Spring 2018.
Data Analysis: 2018-2019
Principal Investigators: Jordan Canzonetta (Project Manager), Diana Fidaoui, André Habet, Alex Hanson, CC Hendricks, Rebecca Moore Howard, Sandra Jamieson, Jason Markins, and Noah Wilson.
Teaching the Teachers
Data: Researched writing and interviews with graduate students at a single institution over two semesters. Collected, 2012-2013.
Data Analysis: 2013
Principal Investigator: Tricia Serviss
Contributing Researcher: Sandra Jamieson
Writing from Sources
Data Collection: CPRW Corpus (papers and cited sources from sixteen colleges and universities in the United States. Collected, 2010-2011)
Data Analysis: 2011-2013
Principal Investigators: Rebecca Moore Howard and Sandra Jamieson.
Contributing Researcher: Crystal Benedicks, Erin Carroll, Kristen Cameron, Sara B. Chaney, Kristi Murray Costello, Dennis Coyle, Christiane K. Donahue, Bess Fox, TJ Geiger, Nichol Gonzales-Howell, Susanmarie Harrington, Jennifer Holly-Wells, Françoise Jacobsohn, Walter Jacobsohn, Santosh Khadka, Kelly Kinney, Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Kelsey Lowe, Kathryn Navickas, Jeep Roberto, Samantha Roy, Madhuparna (Maya) Sanyal, Tricia Serviss, Wendy Sutherland-Smith, Missy Watson, and Erik Wallenberg.
Selecting Sources
Data Collection: CPRW Corpus (papers and cited sources from sixteen colleges and universities in the United States. Collected, 2010-2011)
Data Analysis: 2012-2013
Principal Investigators: Rebecca Moore Howard and Sandra Jamieson.
Contributing Researcher: Crystal Benedicks, Erin Carroll, Kristen Cameron, Sara B. Chaney, Kristi Murray Costello, Dennis Coyle, Christiane K. Donahue, Bess Fox, TJ Geiger, Nichol Gonzales-Howell, Susanmarie Harrington, Jennifer Holly-Wells, Françoise Jacobsohn, Walter Jacobsohn, Santosh Khadka, Kelly Kinney, Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Kelsey Lowe, Kathryn Navickas, Jeep Roberto, Samantha Roy, Madhuparna (Maya) Sanyal, Tricia Serviss, Wendy Sutherland-Smith, Missy Watson, and Erik Wallenberg.
Writing from Sentences
Data: Papers and cited sources collected from first-year students at one university in the United States. Collected, 2008
Data Analysis: 2008
Principal Investigators: Rebecca Moore Howard, Tanya K. Rodrigue, and Tricia Serviss.
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